Teiid related project direction

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We need to address the shifts that are happening in the Teiid community work.

Let me start off by acknowledging there has been a lot of great work done towards Teiid Spring Boot, Teiid Syndesis, and the Teiid Operator. I want to thank everyone who contributed to these efforts in any way - asking questions, raising issues, contributions, etc. However it has been decided they are not sufficiently aligned to Red Hat’s forward-looking needs, so they will no longer be maintained by Red Hat committers. If you have any interest in becoming a contributor or even maintainer of one or more of these projects please reach out with your proposal. It would be great if there is common interest to continue these efforts in a coordinated way.

The core Teiid project has also been impacted. As my and Ramesh’s mandates within Red Hat evolve we will have less time to contribute, which will greatly alter the pace of development. Beyond Teiid 16 most issues will need to be addressed by the broader community. Here again please let us know if you have any desire or need for taking a more active role in Teiid development.

Thanks, Steve

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