Teiid 12.3.0 Released
Teiid 12.3.0 is now available for [download] (/teiid_wildfly/downloads/) and includes 48 total issues addressed.
The feature highlights for 12.3 are:
- TEIID-5481 Added a JsonPath based JSONTABLE as an alternative to jsontoxml with XMLTABLE.
- TEIID-5738 Upgraded to WildFly 17
- TEIID-5704 OpenAPI source supported was added for OpenAPI 2 or 3 services.
Along with the WildFly upgrade the web console was rebuilt against the latest dependencies.
See all 48 issues in [JIRA] (https://issues.redhat.com/projects/TEIID/versions/12341894). Special thanks go out to Bram Gadeyne, Salvatore R., Dmitrii Pogorelov, Christoph John, and Mark Twak for reporting issues.
Teiid 12.3.0 was delayed a little to accomodate for more changes related to [Teiid Spring Boot] (https://github.com/teiid/teiid-syndesis) and [Teiid Syndesis] (https://github.com/teiid/teiid-syndesis). You can expect a fix release in 4-5 weeks. Ideally our efforts will now be going toward a 13.0.0 in 10-14 weeks - this will fully separate the WildFly support so that we can have an independent core release cycle.
There will also be final community fix releases of 12.1.2 and 12.2.2 along their respective release lines shortly.
Thank you, The Teiid Team