Teiid 12.0.1 Released

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Teiid 12.0.1 is now available for [download] (/teiid_wildfly/downloads/) and addresses several important issues.

Teiid 12.0.1 addresses 14 issues:

  • [TEIID-5601] - OData needs to account for source order and org.teiid.defaultNullOrder
  • [TEIID-5637] - remove object translator documentation
  • [TEIID-5599] - When creating an entity via POST message, it is expected, that the returned message includes the primary key of the newly created instance. This is not the case currently
  • [TEIID-5615] - Error when binding NULL to nullable parameter in a prepared statement with PDO PostgreSQL ODBC client
  • [TEIID-5617] - Insert command complete for pg/odbc is incorrect
  • [TEIID-5630] - Concurrency issue with wildfly service install
  • [TEIID-5636] - Planning error. Could not find symbol disiz__1.DischargeTime
  • [TEIID-5641] - Wrong Log Context in SYSADMIN.sql
  • [TEIID-5654] - vdb reuse documentation page missing from summary
  • [TEIID-5655] - sqlalchemy/superset does not work
  • [TEIID-5658] - PG transport can deliver messages out of order
  • [TEIID-5668] - Wrong results on left join + aggregation
  • [TEIID-5593] - Add a Java 11 travis build
  • [TEIID-5609] - Upgrade jackson-databind to 2.8.9

12.1.0 will be available next week - which will also bring Thorntail 2.3 support. A final 11.2.3 will be released at around the same time as 12.1.1 and will be the last 11.2.x release.

Thank you, Steve

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