Teiid 12.0.0 Released

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Teiid 12.0.0 is now available for [download] (/teiid_wildfly/downloads/) and includes 58 total issues addressed including updated WildFly support.

Teiid 12.0.0 not only updates WildFly support to 14.0.1 it has take major steps toward isolating our WildFly usage to improve Teiid usage on other platforms, such as Spring Boot.

The feature highlights for 12.0 are:

  • TEIID-5351 Updated to the WildFly 14.0.1 server.
  • TEIID-5524 JMX support for Teiid standalone (Thorntail, Spring Boot, embedded)
  • TEIID-4498 Additional subquery optimization to prevent per-row evaluation.
  • TEIID-5563 Refactoring to remove JEE dependencies from core Teiid - please consult the migration guide if you are doing custom Teiid development.

See all 58 issues in [JIRA] (https://issues.redhat.com/projects/TEIID/versions/12339353). Special thanks go out to dalax dalax, Bram Gadeyne, Cristoph John, Mike Higgins, Lukáš Svačina, and Vojtech Kolacek for reporting several important issues. Cristoph’s work in particular is helping find issues with the OData layer.

As you can see this release was mostly to update our platform, reorganize the code base, and remove more legacy - most notably AdminShell. Please see the [Migration Guide] (http://teiid.github.io/teiid-documents/12.0.x/content/admin/Migration_Guide_From_Teiid_11.x.html) and [release notes] (http://docs.jboss.org/teiid/12.0.0/teiid-releasenotes.html) when upgrading. In particular any development based upon Teiid Embedded may need to update maven coordinates and add dependencies when necessary.

You can expect a fix release in 4-5 weeks, and 12.1.0 in 8-12 weeks.

Thank you, The Teiid Team

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