Teiid 11.2.0 and 10.3.5 Released

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Teiid 11.2.0 is now available for [download] (/teiid_wildfly/downloads/). 44 total issues were addressed including adding two new data types.

Please see the [Migration Guide] (http://teiid.github.io/teiid-documents/11.1.x/content/admin/Migration_Guide_From_Teiid_10.x.html) and [release notes] (http://docs.jboss.org/teiid/11.2.0/teiid-releasenotes.html) when upgrading.

The feature highlights for 11.2 are:

  • TEIID-5461 Added parsing and pushdown support for the window frame clause.
  • TEIID-5316 Engine processing of window functions using the frame clause.
  • TEIID-3931 Added support for exposing geometry values as OData geometry types.
  • TEIID-5480 Added general support for Geography values, including some system functions, OData exposure, and source support.
  • TEIID-4932 Added a UDF metadata repository for loading UDFs from a class.
  • TEIID-5459 Added support for COUNT_BIG. Also added long versions of the analytical ranking functions - ROW_NUMBER, RANK, DENSE_RANK - which can be enabled by the system property org.teiid.longRanks.
  • TEIID-5499 Added a JSON type.

See all 44 issues in [JIRA] (https://issues.redhat.com/projects/TEIID/versions/12338999). Special thanks go out to dalax dalax, Don Krapohl, and Ken Geis for reporting several important issues.

Teiid 10.3.5 is now available for [download] (http://teiid.jboss.org/downloads_10x/) and addresses 3 issues:

  • [TEIID-5466] - Sessions are not being cleaned up in vdb reuse scenarios
  • [TEIID-5477] - Incorrect results with lead/lag over windows with duplicates
  • [TEIID-5485] - JOIN of a table and sub-query containing DISTINCT and table function of a procedural call with arguments fails

That will be the last community release on the 10.x line.

Thanks, Steve

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