Teiid 11.0.1 Released
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Teiid 11.0.1 is now available for [download] (/teiid_wildfly/downloads/) and includes several bug fixes.
Teiid 11.0.1 addresses 14 issues:
- [TEIID-5420] - Costing can over estimate join cardinality when no keys nor ndv is specified
- [TEIID-5363] - SimpleDB connector not quoting table names in internal Select queries
- [TEIID-5404] - JPA Translator fails embeddeds
- [TEIID-5409] - left join is reversed
- [TEIID-5417] - Performance degradation with large in predicate against temp table
- [TEIID-5419] - timestampadd(SQL_TSI_QUARTER, 2, date) not working after TEIID-5327
- [TEIID-5422] - Buffer cleaner running too often in some cases
- [TEIID-5423] - Docs still show authentication per transport
- [TEIID-5424] - timestampadd/diff with quarter should not use 91 days
- [TEIID-5426] - For Each processing for instead of triggers should materialize change set before processing
- [TEIID-5429] - timestampadd(SQL_TSI_MONTH, 1, 31/03/2018)) results in ORA-01839: date not valid for month specified
- [TEIID-5431] - Function postgis_full_version() does not exist; Transaction Fails
- [TEIID-5433] - Cassandra resource adapter broken due to incompatible Guava version
- [TEIID-5410] - Incorrect result from timestampadd with 1 billion or more fractional seconds
Due to TEIID-5409 you are encouraged to upgrade to 11.0.1.
Thank you, Steve