Teiid 11.0.0 Released
Teiid 11.0.0 is now available for [download] (/teiid_wildfly/downloads/) and includes 51 total issues addressed including new Exasol connectivity.
This was a somewhat shorter release cycle than several of the recent minor releases, but addressed a similar number of issues. Since we are doing more frequent releases we will try to keep even major release increments managable.
Please see the [Migration Guide] (http://teiid.github.io/teiid-documents/11.0.x/content/admin/Migration_Guide_From_Teiid_10.x.html) and [release notes] (http://docs.jboss.org/teiid/11.0.0/teiid-releasenotes.html) when upgrading. In particular the default salesforce connectivity has been bumped to version 34, Teiid in embeeded scenarios will default to a smaller amount of disk usage, and function model support has been completely removed.
The feature highlights for 11.0 are:
- TEIID-4520 Added the Exasol translator.
- TEIID-5356 Improved column metadata with DDL views - and other metadata fixes such as TEIID-5361 and TEIID-5359
- TEIID-3439 Added support for table aliases to contain a period '.' character
- Various SQL compatibility issues to support JOQL
- TEIIDTOOLS-437 OpenTracing integration for remote JDBC clients. Further automatic integration will be provided via Thorntail.
See all 51 issues in [JIRA] (https://issues.redhat.com/projects/TEIID/versions/12335494). Special thanks go out to dalax dalax, Bram Gadeyne, Lukáš Svačina, and Harold Campbell for reporting several important issues. Harold’s contributions addressed many issues with the JPA translator - if you use the that translator consider upgrading to 10.3 or 11.0 latest.
You can expect a fix release in 4-5 weeks. Thank you, The Teiid Team